Antique Radio Photo Gallery and Identification Guide

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( Push the buttons above to view radios in the gallery )
Click the LEFT knob to listen to an old time radio thriller from "Suspense". (double-click to pause)
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Gallery UPDATES page
Check for the latest gallery additions since your last visit.

INDEX of gallery radios

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Learn about antique radios from around the world.

With the advent of radio in the 1920s, a historic new communications era had arrived.
A completely new direction in human networking began that has affected events through history.
The new entertainment that radio provided has influenced the entertainment industry to this day.
Old Time Radio classics like "The Lone Ranger", "The Shadow" and the
infamous 1938 Orson Welles broadcast of "War of the Worlds" will be forever remembered.
This website will give a look into the past to see the actual radios listeners gathered around over the years
to enjoy radio drama and music and keep up with the latest news.
Classic Radio Gallery's Radio Station OTR transcription record collection is now included.

See many different stylish radios from Art Deco and Modernism design, the Machine Age and more.
Browse through antique radios by well-known makers such as Zenith, Crosley, Emerson and Atwater Kent.
Discover streamlined, high-style antique radios and their history such as FADA, Truetone, Remler and Belmont.
See radios created by famous designers such as Walter Dorwin Teague, Le Corbusier, Raymond Loewy and others.

View wood radios, Catalin radios, Bakelite radios, Plaskon and Beetle tube radios from the '20s to '60s.
Learn how to tell the difference in plastics used to make radio cabinets
at the Radio Plastics Explained page.
You will find radios from around the world including the USA, Canada, France,
Australia, UK, Germany, Japan, Spain, Hungary and many other countries.
Identify your vintage radio with photos and schematics in the gallery.
Hopefully, this will help serve as a guide to show some of the high style radios that were made.
Warning: Radio Collecting can be addicting!
Radio collectors come in many flavors.
Some collect radios for their historical significance,
others collect for special radio features like magic eye tubes or high tube-count
and others collect for cabinet asthetics including art deco & streamline to gothic designs.
And of course, collectors find radios that bring back youthful memories.
I've shifted through many of these phases and can appreciate all the facets.

Hopefully the antique radios in the photo gallery will also help as an identification guide,
or offer more information on your radio.
Early radio advertisements and schematics are included with many radios in the photo gallery.
There are no ads or bots, or any other catches, enjoy!
The website is another hobby of mine and a way to share my collection with the world,
and it gives me a chance to play with my limited knowledge of web creation,
with all pages created using only Notepad.
It's obvious that no templates were used for professional looking pages here, it's all homemade.

Here is just a sample from the over 500 radios you'll find inside Classic Radio Gallery.

Click on any of these radios for a pop-up enlargement.

antique radio collection thumbnail group image Addison black white waterfall Addison red catalin Courthouse Air King Skyscraper Airline bakelite Airline62-131 wood table radio Aussie Airzone Aussie Airzone 537 Symphony Leader Atwater Kent 82 Atwater Kent 206 French Zodiac Moskito Philco 49-503Flying Wedge Philco 60 Philco 38-610 Philco 49-501 Boomerang radio Pilot Radio 203 French Radialva Brio French Radialva SuperClips French Radialva Supergroom French Radiola RA26U Good Year 602B Kadette model H Kadette Jewel Grebe Challenger Majestic 149 Majestic 651EB French Oceanic Surcouf Pacific 30 green plaskon Swiss Paillard 39 Australian Peter Pan radio Stewart Warner AirPal RCA 128 RCA Victor Alice in Wonderland phonograph RCA model R73 Remler 26 Remler 5300 Remler 40 German Saba 311WL Shure 55s microphone 1926 Silvertone Wilcox Gay Lil Champ Silvertone 4760 French Sonora 302 Sparton 557 Sparton 616 French Tecalemit Super 54 Czech Tesla 308U Travler 315 Truetone D2017 Truetone D2610 Travler T201 Fada 260D Fada 260RG Fada 652 Temple Fada 1000 General Electric F40 Globe532 Grebe MU1 Australian Healing 403e Australian HMV 440 Airline Movie Dial 62-403 Detrola 274 Detrola Pee Wee 201 Dewald 549 French Ducretet L2323 Emerson 20A Emerson AU190 Emerson Snow White DB247 Emerson 108 Fada 250G Automatic Radio Corp Australian Astor Mickey Mouse Automatic Radio Corp Australian AWA Skyscraper 48G Australian AWA Skyscraper R52 Belmont 5D118 Burns 205D speaker Clarion AC85 Crosley Bullseye 11-100U Crosley 48 Wigit Elf Scott AW-12 Zenith 12-S-232 Wilcox Gay Radio Corp Channel Master 6511 Zenith 6-D-312 Zenith 6-S-27 Fada 1005 Crosley 54 Clinton Radio Majestic 5T Czech Tesla 307U Bendix 526C British Ekco A22 Automatic Tom Thumb Jr. Australian Peter Pan GKL Coronado 43-8190 Airline 62-288 Belmont 638 (6D111) Airline 62-445 Dewald Bantam Australian Tasma 505

See the entire collection in one fell swoop and play Name That Radio.

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vintage clock link banner
lackner neon-glo clock

During years of treasure hunting for radios,
I occasionally found a nice clock I couldn't pass up and eventually realized that I was a clock collector too.
The use of colorful plastics, glass, chrome and woods in clocks was similar to methods used in radio designs.
Browse through many clocks from the 1930s to the 1950s from the collection.
And now included are barometers, themometers, signs and other interesting collectibles.

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OTR Radio Station Transcription Record Collection

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Tombstone radios - Atwater Kent 447, Zenith 12-S-232, Fada 316 Atwater Kent 447 Zenith 12-S-232 FADA 316

antique radio collection
Collection Photos

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This is a cover story article about collecting vintage radios from the Monitoring Times 2011 July issue.
Click here to read the Monitoring Times radio collecting interview that the following article was compiled from
or click the image below to read the article from the magazine page full-size JPGs.

Monitoring Times radio collecting article thumbnail link image

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LINK to Belmont Radio History Page
LINK to FADA Radio History Page
LINK to Remler RadioHistory Page
LINK to Truetone Radio History Page

Zenith Robot Dial

- - On Line Since 1995 - -
On Line sign

Sparton Radio art with Strider the watchdog

Comments, corrections and inquiries welcome


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...and here's a 180 degree turn,
my other interest is about as far away from radios as you could imagine.
This is a link to my South Dakota outdoor wildlife photography slideshow.

South Dakota photo gallery link banner

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Robot Radio
Latvian transistor VEF model HR-1003

Antique Radio Vacuum Tube Box Art

All images and pages Copyright © Merrill Mabbs / Classic Radio Gallery
